Its not an easy thought, you know a guy or girl breathing deeply as they gander inside your window but hey its what we all go through. most of the time thought its someone we didnt even realize was there. An ex boyfriend or maybe a cousin, yea i know but hes only there cause of marriage.. not as disturbing... ok.. i lied... its just as disturbing. But its not gonna stop him from wanting you all over himself... well here are some tips to avoid the awkward situation at family gatherings cause you managed to give in and now you got a baby that should have only been in the movies.. no offense im sure hes adorable.

Step 2: Dont answer the messages and lock your doors before bed. If you forget its gonna be even more weird when you wake up and theres this camera pointed at your bed but nothings there to operate it.
Step 3: Join the AV club. Then you can always use it as an excuse to detour the person after you. Also then youll know how to turn this camera off when you find it.
Other then that i got nothing. Ohh and so you know this does not actually work... its just random ideas thrown out. If it did work i might be twelve stalkers less..Yea i know but as a girl we all deal with it. You know how it is, the guys following us home, sneaking in an ally behind a dumbster and trying to tell us "hey there want some candy?" FUCK NO! i dont want no candy creep... i just want some pepper spray so i can knock your ass out and report you for mishandling a controlled substance... but since i dont have no pepper spray ima run and scream like a little panzy and cower in a corner i know wont do me no good... i swear we girls deserve this...
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