Of course dead is not alway the escape. sometimes we have to live to be rid of our troubles, only cause we get lucky and out run our relatives or friends when they die. Not saying that death is a good thing but suicide is no answer either, more of a mess to clean up for the family... and no one wants to go around mopping up what was you and is now just a stain of the memory you became. Of course death can be accidental... most of the time.
But he always gets you at the wrong time. The one time when you are being so damn stupid that it is actually impossible for him to catch you.. ye thats when hes looking in your window at you in your underwear and hoping that youll get naked and start a sex chain of monkeys in the bathroom.. yea.. dont know how monkeys can get him turned on but i suppose anything can happen. Dont let that scare you though, he hits at the wrong times too.. like elvis. I mean poor guy.. but that will teach death to step in on personal business its better when he hits us during:

They go around screaming Yo ho! and im like Yo Mama... apparently they were saying hello and i was saying share the loot.. i have no idea where that translated over but as soon as i get out of this ill let you know.