Heart means love but love is pain, pain is hurt and hurt is uneasy sleep, uneasy sleep means doctors.. doctors mean shots, shots mean bandaid... and well they never have dora on hand.. so i say that heart.. is a really big trouble to have. Example: Did you ever notice that we always fall for the guy that no one ever saw us working with. The nerd in math class marries the jock. The cheerleader is the one who goes with the the science fair winner, and me... well i go with the one that im told is best. Isnt that how it always falls into place. To you the world is scattered and to them your perfect... well i say get back into the party you havent found that one till you can roll over and laugh at the fact his gas smells like turkey dinner leftovers you had like a month and a half ago. Never had that and personally im not looking forward to it but i know thats the kind of love i want.
The kind that can end never and go one in a circle forever never fading in a million years. The kind only a person could have for the mother, or the father in the crib. Yea a miracle feeling i dont think we never honestly feel, we think we do but were conflicted on it. Like what to make for dinner.
Chicken or beef? Rice or potatoes? Girl or boy... ohh cant eat that for dinner but i call it desert. Those are the ones we choose. The things that cause us to fade in our lives and depress over the stupid things. Ohh i lost my shoe... my makeup ran away.. and i cant find the keys to my car. Ohh bitch please just go and get a new excuse at the store and find a better place to stay. Your house of cards fell down and blew off the floor when the dog ran by after the cat chasing the bird who was splashed by the fish... pet.. who needs um?
ME! thats who...
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